NIME 2024: Call For Papers/Posters/Demos

We welcome submissions of original research on scientific and artistic development and use of new interfaces for musical expression.

There are four different paper submission categories:

Full paper (up to 5000 words in proceedings, recorded-video, optional demo/poster) Short paper (up to 3000 words in proceedings, recorded-video, optional demo/poster) Poster paper (up to 2000 words in proceedings, recorded-video, poster presentation) Demo paper (up to 2000 words in proceedings, recorded-video, demo presentation. The paper should include a link to audio-visual documentation showcasing the technology and/or activity to be demonstrated.) Word counts include all the text starting from the abstract. It excludes references and any text inside images and tables. Word count includes the abstract, headings, and all captions.

Applicants can choose their own preferred submission category. Based on the review process the chairs can move a submission to a different category which will then be communicated with the applicants.

Proceedings Topics:

Original contributions are encouraged in, but not limited to, the following topics:

NIME2024: NIME research relating to the theme Novel controllers, interfaces or instruments for musical expression Augmented, embedded and hyper instruments Technologies or systems for collaborative music-making New performance paradigms for mobile music-making Music-related human-computer interaction Sensor and actuator technologies, including haptics and force feedback devices Musical mapping strategies Explorations of relationships between motion, gesture and music Evaluation and user studies of new interfaces for musical expression Evaluation and user studies of commercially available “off the shelf” interfaces Interfaces for musical expression for people with special needs Musical applications of robotics Interactive sound art and installations Performance rendering and generative algorithms Machine learning in musical performance Web-based music performance Software frameworks, interface protocols, and data formats, for supporting musical interaction Historical, theoretical or philosophical discussions about designing or performing with new interfaces Discussions about the artistic, cultural, and social impact of NIME technology Sonic interaction design Pedagogical perspectives or reports on student projects in the framework of NIME-related courses Practice-based research approaches/methodologies/criticism Paper Review Process:

All paper submissions will be subjected to a rigorous double-blind peer review process by an international committee of experts. All of the submitted papers should demonstrate rigorous research methodology and will be evaluated according to the following criteria: novelty, academic quality, appropriateness of topic, importance, readability, ethical standards, and paper organization. Authors should also familiarize themselves with the NIME statements on diversity and environmental issues.

The review process is as follows:

Each paper submission will be assigned to at least 3 reviewers for independent evaluation. A meta-reviewer will moderate a discussion amongst the reviewers, write a summary review, and recommend whether to accept the paper. The paper chairs will make the final decision on paper acceptance and will inform the author(s) of their decision along with the reviewers’ comments. Please note this review process is double-blind, meaning reviewers remain anonymous to the authors and vice-versa. It is expected that authors respect the NIME Ethical guidelines for NIME publications.

If you’d like to register as a NIME reviewer (or are unsure if you’re already a reviewer), please register as a reviewer using this form

Submission Guide:


NIME uses the CHI template for submissions. You can edit it using LaTeX, or as a Word document. Templates for both LaTeX and Word can be found here. We recommend using a service like Overleaf to edit and complete your submission.

To submit:

Export and download your Latex document or Word document as a PDF. Note that your submission must be anonymised! If you don’t already have an account for NIME’s conference management system (CMT), create one. Create a submission for NIME 2024 in CMT3. Include your title, abstract and co-authors, choose the categorisation for your submission, and comply with the NIME ethics requirements. Add your final, anonymised PDF. Note: The deadline to create a submission is January 31, 2024. A PDF is not required at that time.

You will then have until February 7 to upload your paper as a PDF, and complete your submission.

Requirements for presentation and inclusion in the NIME proceedings:


If your submission is accepted, these are the requirements for being included in the proceedings:

NIME registration. All presenting authors, whether presenting in person or online, must purchase a ticket to attend NIME. DEADLINE: MAY 7, 2024 A camera-ready submission. This is a final PDF version that is correctly formatted and ready for inclusion in the proceedings. Camera-ready papers should be added in CMT. DEADLINE: MAY 7, 2024 A video submission. For presentation and archiving purposes we require a video presentation up to 10 minutes in length. We will use this video to present papers from authors attending online. For authors attending in person there is the choice to present live or using the video, but the video submission is required for documentation. DEADLINE: MAY 31, 2024 A thumbnail. For presentation and archiving purposes we require a thumbnail representing your subject. DEADLINE: MAY 31, 2024 Your camera-ready submission and your video will be made publicly available.

Video / Thumbnail submission guidelines

We encourage you to be creative with your video presentations. Most commonly these are in the form of a recorded screencast with slides.

Videos should be a maximum of 10 minutes in length Minimum resolution: 1080p Encoding: H.264 (often in video software exports as a YouTube preset), mp4 Upload: You will receive a link with an upload location. Thumbnail: 4x3 aspect ratio. JPG, PNG and SVG. Resolution is at your discretion. Avoid transparency as we don’t know our thumbnail page background color yet. Presentation Format:


In person

10 minute presentation (choice of live or using the video submission) 10 minutes for questions (in person) Online

10 minute presentation (via video submission) 10 minutes for questions (via Zoom) Posters

Posters will be available during poster sessions.

For those not attending in person, we’ll ask for a poster file that can be printed and displayed at the conference. There will be an opportunity to have interaction with the conference participants through Zoom during the conference.

Last updated